Peaceful Nervous System, Peaceful Mind
As the saying goes, "Story stems from State." This statement underscores a profound truth about our physiological and psychological well-being. When we change our physical shape, we change our mental state!
Somatic Therapy
As traumatic events happen to us, during or after, it is NORMAL to experience feelings of confusion, sadness, fear, anxiety, panic, irritability, agitation, anger, and despair. It is also normal to experience physical symptoms like a rapid heart rate, sweating, shakiness, nausea, or dizziness. These are all signs that your innate stress response has kicked into the gas pedal. You might feel an urge to run away or fight, or you might find yourself wanting to curl up like a turtle in a protective shell and never come out.
Remembering our Resources to Restore Regulation
Resources are soul nutrients – whatever helps you drop into safety and calm. They are the balancing elements that help to gradually restore equilibrium.
How Stillness Balances your Nervous System
Stillness teaches your nervous system to hang out less in your “dorsal vagal” response- your body's natural tendency to shut down and dissociate when we are overwhelmed by stress.
Finding Calm within the Storm
Overwhelming sensations and emotions that you experience are there for a reason, and are natural. They aren’t bad, and you shouldn’t fear them. Our body experiences no matter how extreme and uncomfortable, are not to be seen as negative, or something to try to get rid of (unless you want to get into trouble in the future). They are an opportunity for us to grow and learn.
Healing Freeze
Just as nature comes out of the winter hibernation, so too does our systems come out of the longer unconscious states of freeze.