Healing Freeze
Just as nature comes out of the winter hibernation, so too does our systems come out of the longer unconscious states of freeze.
On Exhaustion
Long term survival is exhausting. It depletes and dysregulates. Our system is in a state of survival and suppression rather than safety and authenticity. It takes a lot of energy for a system to be and function in survival, always scanning for threats, tensing, contracting, disconnecting, being in hyper-vigilance, protecting and hiding. The more dysregulated and overwhelmed a system is, the more exhausted, disconnected and fatigued we will feel.
Resources for Traumatic Stress
As traumatic events happen to us, during or after, it is NORMAL to experience feelings of confusion, sadness, fear, anxiety, panic, irritability, agitation, anger, and despair. It is also normal to experience physical symptoms like a rapid heart rate, sweating, shakiness, nausea, or dizziness. These are all signs that your innate stress response has kicked into the gas pedal. You might feel an urge to run away or fight, or you might find yourself wanting to curl up like a turtle in a protective shell and never come out.
Therapeutic Yoga and Somatic Movement for Chronic Stress and Trauma Recovery
Chronic Stress & Trauma Recovery is as much about healing the body as it is the mind- your story stems from state!