Growth Zone Cercle
“Growth Zone Cercle” is a way to CHECK-IN with yourself, to use as a volume knob for your life. We cannot be in relationship with others & grow in a zone that is either comfortable or overwhelming.
Just like our nervous system; there exists both calm and stress, each are necessary for us to function. There is no right or wrong, good or bad! So how do we keep growing? Riding this wave of life you may find yourself asking? We must invite ourselves in the discomfort! We cultivate compassion, interest and curiosity. And we check-in, to honor our process, to give space for integration - the “downloading” of newness.
The Growth Zone Cercle:
COMFORT ZONE: is what’s familiar, it's not challenging.
GROWTH ZONE: might be messy, exposed, stretching out of the familiar, and with enough access to resources so we can be in the present, socially engaged, and a place that can shift our patterning.
OVERWHELM ZONE: we stop taking in and can’t learn new information, it's a stop zone.
Ask yourself using this cercle of zones, what are the practices that can help to keep you in the growth zone?
Ask yourself what are the resources that can help you know when to pull out of the overwhelm zone?