Inspiring a safer space for embodied healing

“You hold the power for healing, and it’s my intention to help you create a life that embodies it through a somatic experience.”

— Djinane

Somatic”— relating to the body, “Sōma” — the living body in its wholeness experienced from within.

The Cercle’s Method

Focused on integrating body and mind through somatic-centered therapies to enhance human function using; Mindfulness , Neuroscience and Movement. The aim is to bring awareness through practice using therapeutic modalities emphasizing exploration instead of aesthetic to support wellbeing.

Using a polyvagal trauma-informed approach the Cercle holds a safer container for you to feel and express your wounded and immobilized energy by fostering safety and compassion first, through strength-based, resilient-based and process-based led practices.

Embodying your emotions, exploring your sensations, creating space, and inviting connection and authenticity for an inner experience of re-connecting to your felt sense of joy and aliveness.


The Cercle’s Signature 1:1 Offerings



A unique approach to yoga founded by the union of Soma and Psyche- the interlacing of both body and mind. Through somatic yoga you can bring more of your body back into awareness and use, allowing you to naturally reconnect to self, the environment and others. The emphasis is on doing yoga from a first-person perspective with knowledge and awareness through practice. This work focuses on reinforcing relationship to our inner core, to remember our aliveness, and to anchor ourselves in the ineffable source of intelligence within. It is an integrative blend of somatics, yoga, neuroscience, applied psychophysiology and psychology to enhance mental, emotional, physical and biological functions in order to bring you more wellbeing.


One of the most effective pathways towards awareness is through feeling a deeper sense of and connection with the bodymind. The biggest calamity to trauma and stress is that we loose connection to self and then become desensitized. Through a somatic approach we recognize that everyone is already whole, and that we engage with others and the world through sensations and movement. As stress and trauma is something experienced and expressed through the body, this work supports the completion of unprocessed thoughts, feelings, and memories by using body-based trauma recovery therapies to release the stored tension that’s negatively affecting your physical and emotional well-being.


“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”


Grounding Resource Meditation

Grounding Resource Meditation


Anxiety and disassociation often move energy up your body and away from the legs. When we are not grounded, we cannot feel safe, secure, or relaxed. Getting grounded helps you feel calm and access your breath. This recorded guided meditation invites you to connect to whatever feels solid, supportive and good for you.

I will meet you exactly where you are.